ome Journal
Strays Amid Rome Ruins Set Off a Culture Clash

Paolo Marchetti for the International Herald Tribune
Archaeology officials are trying to dislodge the Torre Argentina Cat Sanctuary in Rome.
Published: November 7, 2012
ROME — Cats have prowled the streets of Rome since ancient times, more
recently finding refuge with an association of volunteers who have
lovingly tended to thousands of strays over the years amid the ruins of a
site where Brutus is thought to have stabbed Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.
The shelter, in an underground space abutting a cherished archaeological
site, consists of several bright, cage-lined rooms that hold dozens of
strays at a time and has gained fame — and donations — as a popular
tourist draw.
But after a couple of decades of tolerated, if not quite authorized, occupancy, Italy’s
state archaeologists have told the association that it has to go,
saying the illegal occupation risks damaging a fragile ancient monument.
The cat lovers issued a ready reply: They have no intention of leaving.
“If they want war, we’ll give them war,” warned Silvia Viviani, a
retired opera singer and one of the founders of the Torre Argentina Cat
Sanctuary association. “The cats need us.”
What has ensued is a fight that has drawn in a host of city officials,
elicited a flood of e-mail from upset cat lovers and revealed a deeper
clash between tradition and legality that has tested Rome’s notions of
its cultural heritage.
The battle has pitted preservation officials who struggle mightily to
get Italians to obey laws protecting their historic birthright against
an especially feisty Roman breed of cat caretakers — the so-called
In the middle are the cats themselves, ancient inhabitants of Rome who
have been officially declared “part of the city’s bio-cultural
patrimony,” noted Monica Cirinnà, a local lawmaker with the Democratic
Party who created an animal rights advocacy department when the
center-left governed the capital.
Rome has countless cat colonies, usually cared for by neighborhood
gattare who leave plastic plates of cat nibbles in communal courtyards
or on sidewalks.
Then there are more organized volunteer associations for larger colonies
of feral cats, some in archaeological sites, including one at the
Pyramid of Cestius, from the first century B.C., and another at Trajan’s
Market, where gattare have been given a room within the ancient area.
But they have official authorization.
The cat shelter does not, say the state archaeology officials, who are
trying to close it two years after it made the apparently fatal mistake
of applying for a permit to install a toilet. That put the shelter on
the officials’ radar, and they now insist it has to go even though —
with just basic equipment like cages, medical cabinets, ramshackle
furniture and garbage bins — it is far better organized than the others.
The underground shelter, which cares for 150 to 180 cats at a time, is
near the Area Sacra of Largo Argentina, a downtown archaeological site
consisting of four Republican-era temples. Situated in a squat space
created during the time of Mussolini, when a street was built over the
site, the shelter sits directly above the remains of the travertine
podium of what archaeologists identify as Temple D, a structure from the
second century B.C.
“The cat ladies are occupying one of the most important sites in Largo
Argentina, and that is incompatible with the preservation of the
monument,” said Fedora Filippi, the Culture Ministry archaeologist
responsible for the area.
The shelter has invited corollary problems, she noted, such as the
tourists’ throwing food to the cats that wander from the shelter into
the adjacent archaeological area, “which makes the situation worse.”
After an inspection, health officials decreed the shelter an
inappropriate environment for volunteers and visiting tourists, let
alone for the cats, she said.
“This isn’t about the cats,” Ms. Filippi said, adding wearily that her
computer had been inundated with angry e-mails from cat lovers. “I
wouldn’t touch a cat. I live with one so I am not against cats.” But,
she said, “it’s our responsibility to protect Italy’s archaeological
patrimony and to apply the law.”The cat lovers — all volunteers — bristle that they are not bothering
anyone. The shelter, they say, occupies a former storage space. More
important, they claim to have neutered and spayed close to 29,000 cats
over the past 20 years, all paid for by an estimated 10,000 benefactors.
Without the shelter, Rome’s already overtaxed veterinary department
would be forced to deal with hundreds, potentially thousands, of new
strays, they argue. That public service has been tacitly acknowledged by
decades of municipal administrations, which have allowed the shelter to
expand and modernize over the years.
“In the past, the situation may not have been approved, but it was tolerated,” said Ms. Viviani, who wishes that the situation would return “to the silence and inertia of always so that we can be left alone.”Moving the colony to a less-frequented area is not an option, the volunteers say. The association needs to be in a visible place for tourists, who come from around the world to visit and give donations. It also needs a physical space to house cages for sick cats, and to store food and other supplies.Last week, Rome’s mayor, Gianni Alemanno, who is up for re-election next year, weighed in on Twitter that he and his cat, Certosino, “are on the side of the cats of Rome. Anyone who touches them will be in trouble.”(“Cats may not vote,” Ms. Viviani observed, “but cat people do.”)Umberto Broccoli, Rome’s superintendent for culture, acknowledged that the situation was delicate. “The cats of Rome are by definition as ancient as the marble capitals they lounge on,” he said. “We have to find a solution that balances the care of Rome’s historical archaeological heritage with a historical, social practice that has its own tradition.”Then cats have their own habits.“They don’t read bans,” he said. “They will return to Largo Argentina” whether the shelter is there or not, and gattare and tourists will continue to throw food at them. “The situation is really not so simple.”
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